Techworks Hosts Rad Events to Engage Our Members and Community

September 21, 2023

Recently, we, at Techworks, hosted a stellar networking event to engage our current and new community members.

Techworks Association is a non-profit association with the mission of helping the Oregon technology industry thrive. Our membership provides business solutions and support systems to help tech-focused companies in key areas such as HR systems, communications, liability, employee benefits, and payroll operations.

Testing the Waters at a Rad Workday

a group of people sitting on top of a patio

In July 2023, we partnered with Radious to host our first Rad Workday for our community members. We rented this beautiful Radspace and invited our members to pop in during the day for some casual co-working, networking, and of course, a delicious lunch.

"We had a great turnout for our Rad Workday," said Tara Starr, Techworks Association’s Executive Director, said. "It signaled to us that our members had a hunger for more ways to connect and learn from each other. It was also a great way to introduce ourselves to folks that weren't already members."

Throughout the day, over 20 people stopped by and got to meet both Tara Starr, and the sponsor of the event, Get Benefits. Several people even shared about the fun experience on their LinkedIn afterward.

Hosting "Techworks On Tap Up Top" to Further Grow Relationships

a woman standing in front of a projector screen giving a presentation

After our first successful member event, our team was excited for more and quickly booked this Radspace with a gorgeous rooftop, perfect to enjoy the last days of summer in the PNW.

The "Techworks On Tap Up Top" event was hosted from 2:30-4:30 pm, and since the Radspace had stadium seating, it was the perfect environment for partners to present to the crowd. Shout-out to these partners who made this event possible:

Not only did our tech community get a chance to hear about business solutions and exclusive access they get through Techworks membership, they also got to network, spend time in the sunshine, and eat amazing food.

"We're excited about hosting more events for our community so we can further deepen relationships and truly support tech leaders," Tara Starr, said. "I'm grateful for all of our partners who came out and got to know our members, and all of the new people I was able to meet. This is an inspiring community!"

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Techworks Hosts Rad Events to Engage Our Members and Community

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